Springfield Technical Community College’s Professional Development Day, held in person for the second time this academic year, featured breakout sessions touching on a variety of topics and speakers who addressed teaching methods, academic programs, retention and innovation.
In a prerecorded “Ed Talk” video, Dr. Paul Hernandez shared his personal story about struggling to overcome barriers. He focused in students’ sense of belonging in a classroom and how faculty can help support them.

STCC faculty and staff also heard from Dr. George Timmons about “future-proofing academic programs” and Lauren Foss Goodman, who speak about how technology and a “personal touch” can increase retention and completion. The final speaker was a familiar name to many at STCC” Robert LaPage, who served as a vice president at the college. He spoke about innovation.
The day began with welcoming remarks from Dr. Geraldine de Berly, Vice president of Academic Affairs, who spoke about the future of STCC and where we are going. The Strategic Planning Future Summit session provided faculty and staff an opportunity to reflect on what was compelling about the Ed Talks and shaping statements to help inform the strategic planning process.
The Strategic Planning Task Force has continued its work to shape strategic goals. Earlier in the week, Noe Ortega, Commissioner of the Mass. Department of Higher Education, visited STCC and addressed the Task Force. The breakout sessions offered faculty and staff to choose among a variety of topics ranging from email security and ARIES to retirement and discussions about culturally responsive teaching.