Hey Rams!

Got a fun project or some amazing research underway?

Are you presenting at a conference or developing cool new pedagogy?

Is your student organization doing something in the community?

Welcome to STCCy Notes, our new campus blog!

We’re looking for motivated writers to contribute stories about the amazing things happening on campus – and beyond!

How it works

Schedule a chat with Jim Danko or Eli Freund in the Communications & Marketing office. One of us will give you an overview of what we’re looking for, and how it fits-in with the wonderful media coverage STCC enjoys.

We’ll give you credentials (and brief training) to use WordPress. Once you submit a blog post, Jim or Eli will review and give a light edit (if needed) before publishing. We’ll also format your content structure and photos to adhere to ADA and SEO best practices.

STCCy Notes should highlight the interesting and compelling behind-the-scenes stories happening all around us

If you need proper press coverage, Jim is happy to help make that happen. Alternatively, if you have an individual accolade (award, conference, grant, etc.) Jim can also help you get that into your hometown newspaper (please fill out this form for that).

We can’t wait to hear from you!