I’ve learned a lot this last month about biology and research methods. It was a little hard for me to get on track at first however I could get my work done on time every week, I would like to thank professor Timothy Randhir because every time that I had a question and I mailed him about it, he always replied to me on time.
Professor Randhir would look for an available time on his busy schedule to meet his students through Zoom and help them out in their project and classwork,.I’m glad that I did sign up for this class, I had my doubts at first because I was taking two others classes during this summer and I thought adding another more class would be too much for me to handle. I received an email from Professor Reena Randhir about signing up for this class and I knew her from last year and I know how dedicatied she is to her students. That made me glad to sign up for this class which I am very happy to be part of, and I am grateful to both Mr. and Mrs. Randhir for giving me the opportunity.
By Sebastian De Jesus Sanchez Capellan
Health Science
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