The pinning ceremony season at Springfield Technical Community College kicked off May 18 with the spotlight on students in the Radiological Tech and Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs. Ceremonies honored other programs during the second half of May and will continue through June.

The ceremonies featured remarks from student speakers, program directors, STCC President John B. Cook and Christopher Scott, dean of the School of Health and Patient Simulation.

Friends and families cheered their graduates. The ceremony marked a time to hand out awards and show a video slideshow of photos capturing highlights of the students’ time in their program.

The pinning ceremony is an occasion to welcome students into healthcare professions while recognizing all the hard work it took to get there.

Other ceremonies that have been held over the past two weeks include those honoring graduates in the following programs:
In the coming weeks, STCC will host pinning ceremonies for students in nursing, clinical lab science and medical assistant.