“Learning is not the product of teaching; learning is the product of the activity of learners.” This describes the spirit of our STCC Celebration of Student Work event, where students proudly exhibited their projects. Hello, my name is Rashania Dewberry, and this is my second year at STCC. I am currently taking my prerequisites in hopes of being accepted into the nursing program.
The event began with an inspiring Renewable Energy symposium, featuring distinguished UMass professors. Dr. Timothy Randhir facilitated this panel setting the tone to envision a future where sustainability, innovation, and collaboration pave the way for a better planet. Dr. Dwayne Breger presented the progress and challenges of energy transitions in Massachusetts, while Ms. Janel Granum emphasized the urgent need for skilled professionals in the energy industry. Dr. Laura Figueroa explained the vital role of birds and bee conservation at solar sites, and Dr. Stephen Herbert presented the potential of agrivoltaics to transform how we produce food and energy. I was amazed by how much I learned, since each presentation was eye-opening and inspiring.

This semester my Anatomy and Physiology class was both challenging and rewarding. We engaged in makerspace activities that deepened our understanding. The picture above shows me presenting my ‘sliding filament theory of muscle contraction’ to my peers. This hands-on learning turned a difficult subject into something tangible and easier to grasp. My research poster was about how marijuana use affects our brain. My findings show that while it offers therapeutic potential in controlled, medical contexts, the long-term heavy use may lead to significant cognitive decline and changes in brain structure. This study informs public attitudes and policies around safe use.
The exhibition buzzed with conversation and laughter as students admired one another’s work, and proud family members snapped photos. As I walked through the displays, I could not help but feel a deep appreciation for the effort behind each project. I must thank STCC for hosting this joyful event, and I also thank my instructor Reena Randhir for guiding us. This celebration was not just about exhibiting work, it was about celebrating the journey of learning. I cannot wait for the next one!