Springfield Technical Community College welcomed alumni at the Eastern States Exposition on Sept. 25.
The reception in the Joshua Brooks Building was an opportunity for alumni to reconnect with others who graduated from STCC as well as enjoy a Sunday at the Big E. Gene Cassidy, president and CEO of the Eastern States Exposition, was on hand to greet STCC alumni.
STCC President John B. Cook thanked Cassidy and noted that the event is becoming a tradition. The event was last held in September 2019, before the pandemic.
Dr. Cook encouraged alumni to attend the STCC Resilience Awards and Gala held at the Springfield Marriott Downtown on Oct. 6, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, visit stcc.io/55. The gala recognizes STCC’s 55th anniversary and will honor community leaders who have demonstrated resilience and innovative excellence through their work and service within Massachusetts.
Dr. Shai Butler, STCC’s Vice President for Advancement and External Affairs, thanked alumni and encouraged them to share or connect with other STCC graduates. Dr. Butler introduced student Franklin Mayhew, who described his journey at STCC. He said faculty provided support during his first year, which was online due to the pandemic. When he was in person, he said, “Everywhere I turned I was greeted by kind faces and passionate staff.”
“From learning experiences to working experiences, STCC really had me covered,” Mayhew said.
Professor Anthony Rondinelli, a graduate of the Class of 1992, noted he was celebrating his 30th year as an STCC alumnus. “It’s so poignant to see so many alumni and people from the college here to get together and celebrate STCC,” Rondinelli said. “Not only am I an alumnus, but I am a professor in the business department. And it really is wonderful for me to hear success stories like I just heard from Franklin. … Franklin was one of my fantastic students, the student you always remember.”