April 17-21 marks Health Information Professionals Week, a time to celebrate those working in the field and the students in STCC’s academic programs.

Springfield Technical Community College offers programs to pursue degrees and certificates in Health Information Technology and Medical Coding and Billing. Students who successfully complete these programs are prepared for in-demand jobs in health care.

The associate degree program is accredited and the only one of its kind in the region.

As the American Health Information Management Association states on its website: “Health information professionals see the person connected to the data, and work tirelessly to ensure their information stays human–because when information stays human, it stays relevant. This perspective is critical to the success of all modern health organizations.”

For more information about the STCC Health Information Technology degree program, visit stcc.edu/explore/programs/hiim.as.

To learn about the Medical Coding and Billing degree program, visit stcc.edu/explore/programs/mcbs.as/.

STCC also offers a certificate in Medical Coding and Billing. Visit stcc.edu/explore/programs/medc.coc/.

For more information, please contact Laura Piquette at [email protected].