The Staff and Faculty Holiday Party at Springfield Technical Community College featured fun times, good food, live entertainment and a fundraiser for the Center for Access Services.
The party on Dec. 21 – the first in person holiday get-together since December 2019 – provided faculty and staff a chance to mingle and catchup before the break.
Thank you to Assistant Vice President for Workforce Development Gladys Franco and her team for organizing. They offered raffle gifts in exchange for basic necessity donations to the Center for Access Services, which offers non-academic support for STCC students.
The Ramblers, a recently formed staff and faculty band, surprised everyone with sets of entertainment at the top of each hour. Check out their live recording on SoundCloud. Band members Louis Burgos, Jim Danko, Kelly Galanis, Josh Girouard, Pete Goodreau, John Reynolds and Dan Surdyka played a couple of seasonally-themed songs in addition to classics like “Superstition,” “Rolling in the Deep,” and “Suzie Q.”
Thank you to Ed Cohen, who was on hand to photograph the event. Happy New Year to all!