Next month at the NCMPR District 1 conference in New Jersey, STCC will collect four more Medallion marketing awards for our efforts! We are finalists in the following categories (bronze, silver, or gold), and thanks to all who helped the C&M team produce such great work!
- Print Advertisement (single or series)
- Chat Bubble ads
- Communication Success Story or Crisis Communication Campaign
- NBC News package
- Government or Community Relations Campaign
- COVID response communications
- Special Event or Fundraising Campaign
- Ram Warriors • OR • Commencement 2021 package
And funny enough, STCC, Bristol, and MassBay are competing for GOLD in the category “Communication Success Story or Crisis Communication Campaign.”
Our COVID response entry may win Gold as there are no other finalists in this category.
STCC is one of just 6 of the Massachusetts community colleges to be winners in 2021:
- Cape Cod – 5
- STCC – 4
- BHCC – 2
- Bristol – 2
- MWCC – 2
- MassBay – 1
In 2020, STCC won four Medallions: three bronze and one silver.
Stay tuned… the Medallions will be announced October 27th. Thanks again everyone for helping STCC shine!
STCC’s winning 2021 entries
Print Advertisement (single or series)
Chat Bubble ads
Series of print ads designed for both topical program bundles, or larger program-specific promotion. Ads highlight a fresh, crisp chat bubble along with simple info describing the program(s). Targeting prospective students and area employers, these ad sought to drive increased awareness of STCC and its programs.

Communication Success Story or Crisis Communication Campaign
NBC News package
Going into the Fall 2020 semester’s recruiting cycle, we began featuring stories of students choosing STCC over a 4-year college or university. One in particular earned a great amount of local media coverage, ultimately earning STCC a feature segment during “All Things Considered” on WGBH and on WBUR in Boston. A related story appeared in the Boston Globe.
After a year, a producer from NBC News reached-out to do a follow-up story, ultimately interviewing three students, including one who chose to transfer to STCC from Amherst College. Segments have appeared on MSNBC’s Katy Tur Reports and NBC News Now. A future segment is slated to air on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.
Government or Community Relations Campaign
COVID response communications
Over the past year, STCC, like all colleges, invested heavily in branded communications to help the campus community navigate the challenges of the pandemic. Tactics (see samples in this PDF) leveraged every tool in the toolbox: PR, radio, video, graphic design, and a communications strategy. We also created clinical opportunities to keep health, dental, and child care programs on track absent those in the marketplace due to COVID restrictions.

Special Event or Fundraising Campaign (Two Submissions)
Ram Warriors
During the pandemic, we leaned into fundraising, with hope of capturing the growing savings Americans were accruing with automatic installment giving via EFT or credit card authorization. The timing was planned to launch the Ram Warrior program to help close a $2 million campaign launched in 2020. It worked! We closed the campaign with the new program, raising nearly $200k in installment gifts.

Commencement 2021 package
For Commencement, we filmed a series of clips with our “hero” student preparing to give her commencement speech. We were lucky to coordinate the selection of the student actor with the student speaker selection process. We additionally recruited 3 STCC alumni to interact with our hero as she prepared for the event and the speech. To add special flavor to our 2nd pandemic Commencement ceremony, we promoted the live YouTube broadcast with 5 featurettes with graduating students.