My experience in this class is not what I was expecting. I had a general idea of some of the information in these modules but the class has shown me that there is much more to learn. I noticed very quickly that when I read articles in the news pertaining to STEM, there is a whole other side to the research of it. Putting it into a summed-up version for the masses doesn’t do it justice.
In this class I observed doctors and professors that are very dedicated to their fields of study and provided substance that was easy to mentally absorb. My first thought when we delved into the reading was “I am way over my head”. My sentiments have evolved into “What else do I want to learn about?”. The mental attitude after taking this class is something that I will apply further in life as my studies continue. I chose a topic that intertwined with my major and even that research brought a lot of new things to light. I highly recommend taking this class if you are looking to challenge yourself.
By Adam Lee
Computer and IT Security
Microcomputer Specialist
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