Architecture and Building Technology at Springfield Technical Community College is a program where you can start building your dreams. Here in this multi-faceted, multi-concentration program, we provide the foundation needed to study and create professional exploration through the exciting field of architecture and building technology. We focus on sustainability, in how we plan, design, build, live and create health built environments.

Our students come into this program with a dream. Maybe it’s designing their home, building their own home, being a project manager of large commercial construction company. Whatever it may be, students find a curriculum and staff that supports their path and beyond.

Our program will challenge you to beyond what your dreams were and make them reality. You will be able to transition to the university level of designing and building through transfer options to UMass Amherst Building Construction Technology & Architecture, and Wentworth Institute of Technology for Project Management.

We offer a full day or evening program taught by the Pioneer Valley’s most professional Architects, Mass. Construction supervisors, Professors, and current and past owners of successful companies in the industry.

We can’t wait to see you, and hope you are excited about this career path as we are! Visit to fill out an application for the fall 2020 semester, which begins Sept. 8. The professors have been working hard to prepare for online instruction. (Classes at STCC will be held online, with a mix of in-person, low-density labs for health and science programs).

I believe building technology will benefit greatly from learning online, as our construction and businesses are already using virtual platforms to create integrated team design, planning and building for large construction projects, and can be used for the residential sector. So learning online right now is a great way to introduce these concepts that our students will be using in real life! 

If you have questions about the program, I’m happy to help. Please email [email protected].

Prof. DeForge discusses the ABT program on ‘STCC Around’