Team Name: The A-Team
Team members: Adam Lee, Kush Patel, Daniel Mokan, Joseph Connor
Mentor: Dr. Mahmet Savasci
Hello, from Adam Lee. To think that I was not about to participate… I joined the STCC Creates Challenge a couple days before the deadline. I am glad I did. The biggest challenge that everyone had to face was participating 100% online and for me, as well for most of the other students, we were paired up with some people we have never met before, but I feel that everyone endured through and made a great outcome from a difficult situation.

Never, have I ever been put in the scenario where my team had to create something with strangers and only given a week to do it. Luckily, I was paired with a team who all had their own strengths and weaknesses and we were able to fulfill all of our roles to succeed in our goals. I may be a little biased but I think what we created met the overall goal of the challenge the best. I owe that all to my teammates. They did an amazing job and this is something I would definitely participate in again in the future.